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Completed in 2019 by Angus Wilson

Made from old agricultural parts and ephemera ‘Macintyre Cod Fossil’ by Angus Wilson depicts the fossilised skeleton of a Murray Cod which is found in the Macintyre River.


This work is indicative of other works by Wilson as he revitalizes local spaces by recontextualising and repurposing significant local and historical found objects to create unique interpretations of place.


Local engineering services assisted with the embedding and recycling of mechanical objects as they were meticulously composed by the artist to take on a new form in a 400ml thick concrete slab poured into a ground pit and reinforced with steel rods.


This giant relief sculpture cements our local history, fauna and identity as it remains embedded forever, overlooking its’ ancient habitat the Macintyre River.

Build Assistant: Neil Grant

Concrete & Structural Assistance: Kayne Spicer – Spicer Contracting

Crane & Relocation: Donated by Mann’s Crane Hire

Engineering Design: Donated by Proterra Group

Development & Foundations Assistance: Goondiwindi Regional Council

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